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Unité de recherche

CREATIS-TOMORADIO Tomographic imaging and therapy with radiation du Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image pour la Santé

The TOMORADIO team was created in 2009 to gather investigations around processing for X-Ray CT imaging and radiation therapies. One particularity of the team is to gather members located at INSA (Lyon) but also at CLB (Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon) and ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble). The team is currently composed of 12 permanent members (researchers and engineers), advising around 13 PhD students and 4 postdoctoral researchers (as of 2020).

The scientific activities of the team are structured in three axes: 1) inverse problems in imaging, 2) simulations and imaging in radiation therapy, 3) translational research activities.

Axe I – Inverse problems in imaging. One of our scientific objectives is to study new methods for inverse problems related to various tomographic imaging modalities. They are based on classical variational approaches, on deep learning approaches, and are tightly linked with the physics of image formation and simulations (Axis II). Among the various projects, we can cite activities on spectral photon counting CT, ion imaging, blood velocity field estimation, region-of-interest image reconstruction, low dose tomographic reconstruction, X-ray phase contrast imaging, compressive optical imaging, Compton camera imaging, etc.

Axis II - Simulation and imaging in radiation therapy. The goal of this axis is to provide new insights into simulation and image reconstruction methods for radiation therapy. Indeed, all types of radiation therapy treatments heavily rely on imaging, simulation and reconstruction methods, such as conventional external beam photon therapy, but also advanced hadrontherapy treatments with a proton or carbon ion beam, or molecular driven internal radiotherapy. In this axis, our group focuses on the development of new algorithms for numerical simulations of the physical processes involved during imaging and treatment (dosimetry), and novel reconstruction methods for innovative imaging systems. Among others, we developed activities related to advanced Monte Carlo simulation, variance reduction techniques, Deep Learning methods for Monte Carlo simulations, motion compensated image reconstruction, etc.

Axis III - Translational research activities. Part of the group is located at the Léon Bérard cancer center and participates in the development of translational research activities, in close collaboration with the clinicians. The main collaborations are with the Radiation Therapy department (lead by Prof. V. Gregoire), the Nuclear Medicine department (lead by T. Mognetti) and the Radiology department (lead by F. Pilleul, member of CREATIS). Thanks to a collaboration agreement, CREATIS members have access to imaging facilities of the CLB and daily collaborate with the clinical staff.


Adresse :
CREATIS - Site INSA (Direction) Bâtiment Léonard de Vinci (401, 2ème étage) 21 avenue Jean Capelle
69621 Villeurbanne
Tél :
+33 (0)4 72 43 82 27
Fax :
+33 (0)4 72 43 85 26
Mail :



Composition de l'équipe

Permanents de l'équipe membres du LabEx Primes:

Marie-claude BISTON (Physicienne médicale CLB)
Nicolas  DUCROS (MCF Insa)
Nicolas FREUD (MCF Insa)
Jean Michel LETANG (MCF Insa)
Voïchita MAXIM (MCF Insa)
Cécile OLIVIER (IE Inserm)
Françoise PEYRIN (DR Inserm émérite)
Bruno SIXOU (MCF Insa)


Site de publications du laboratoire


Plateformes d'imagerie:


Les écoles doctorales

MEGA Ecole Doctorale Mécanique, Energétique, Génie Civil, Acoustique, ED 162

EDISS Ecole Doctorale Inter-Disciplinaire Sciences-Santé, ED 205

EEA Ecole Doctorale Electronique, l’Electrotechnique, l’Automatique et le traitement du signal, ED 160

EDSIS Ecole Doctorale Sciences Ingéniérie Santé , ED 488