Nov - Soutenance de thèse: Scatter correction for spectral computed tomography

Le 22 novembre 2019

salle Chrome 1 du bâtiment Maison Minatec à Grenoble ( 3 parvis Louis Néel)

Le jury sera composé de : Andreas MAIER (Professeur, FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg, Rapporteur) Irène BUVAT (Directeur de Recherche, Univ. Paris Sud, Rapporteure) Thomas RODET (Professeur, ENS CACHAN, Examinateur) Laurent DESBAT (Professeur, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Examinateur) Jean Michel LÉTANG (Maître de Conférences, INSA Lyon, Directeur de thèse) Clarisse FOURNIER (Ingénieur chercheur, CEA/LETI, Invitée) Simon RIT (Chargé de recherche, CNRS, Invité) Joachim TABARY (Ingénieur chercheur, CEA/LETI, Invité)

Summary: Scattered radiation is a major cause of bias, loss of contrast and artifacts in x-ray computed tomography (CT). Many correction methods have been proposed for conventional CT (using energy-integrating detectors) but it is still an open research topic in the field of spectral CT, a novel imaging technique based on the use of energy selective photon counting detectors. The main objective of the present thesis was to investigate scatter correction techniques adapted to spectral CT. The chosen solution refines a scatter correction method developed for integration-mode CT which uses a semi-transparent primary modulator mask. The attenuation of the primary modulator mask is first compensated for with a correction matrix which takes advantage of the spectral information. The other contributions are a scatter model based on B-splines allowing an accurate representation of scatter maps with the aid of a very few parameters and a cost function which takes into account the structures of the mask and the object. The accuracy of the correction matrix, the scatter model and the whole proposed scatter correction process were tested on simulated data and have shown a significant bias reduction, contrast enhancement and artifact removal. In addition, physical experiments were performed using a parallel fan-beam set-up with a commercial energy-resolved detector. The method was successfully validated in the case of two phantoms dedicated to medical image quality measurements, with a remarkable improvement.