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On the web

In the press

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Conferences cycle "Physics and Chemistry in Spring 2014: crystal in all its states" from Gérard Férey, Alfonso San Miguel and Giuseppe Zaccai,
These three conferences are accessible on the following links (in French only):
- Crystallography : from Nature to the nanoworld and its artistic resonances, by Gérard Férey

Crystallography of the extreme : a journey to the heart of planets and materials for new technologies, by Alfonso San Miguel

Crystal and Birth of Molecular Biology, by Giuseppe Zaccai

Dossier in the magazine La Recherche on medical imaging

Science & Santé, Inserm's informative magazine, scientific but accessible to the greatest number, to illustrate discoveries, debates and questions of biomedical research in constant motion. You will find there the courses, the passions, the results of the researchers, as well as their lighting on international works.

Dossier on medical imaging in the January-February numbre: here

What is it? ": A minute to explain everything!
What is chemotherapy, a Drosophila, phagocytosis ...? Inserm researchers have made a point of explaining to us, in video and in a minute chrono, sometimes complex concepts on which they work every day.
Site of INSERM.

Publication of the report on the national estimate of cancer incidence and mortality in France between 1980 and 2012: link via the CLARA.