Edition 2015 - Musée des Confluences
Building on the success of the 1st edition of this conference in October 2013, the Laboratories of Excellence DEVweCAN and PRIMES as well as the Europa Donna Patient Association wished to renew this wonderful exchange experience. This meeting aims to promote dialogue between professionals in research, health and patient support with the general public to get together around various issues related to the issue of cancer.
Welcome - Céline FAURIE GAUTHIER, Conseillère municipale déléguée : Hôpitaux - Prévention - Santé
Event context - Béatrice RAYET, LabEx PRIMES
Session - Innovative practices in prevention
Predisposition or Predestination: The Use of Genetic Variants for Personalized Medicine
David COX, Chercheur au Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon
Organs in motion - 4D issue in Radio / Hadrontherapy
Behzad SHARIAT, Chercheur au Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information et Professeur à l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Session - Targeted and innovative therapies
Current research pathways in oncology - from research to the clinic: example of a project developed at Centre Léon Bérard
Stéphane DEPIL, Chercheur au Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon, Oncohématologue au Centre Léon Bérard et CEO de NETRIS PHARMA
Radiosensitizing nanoparticles: dream of yesterday, reality of tomorrow?
Claire RODRIGUEZ-LAFRASSE, Chercheur au Laboratoire de Radiobiologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire, Professeur des Université-Praticien Hospitalier
Session - Accompanying the patient
The patient meets his creativity
Patricia ATTIGUI, Chercheur à l’Université Lyon 2, Psychologue clinicienne et Ecrivain
Retention in employment with or after cancer
Dominique THIRRY, Directrice de l’Association Juris Santé
Networking coktail, exhibition of works from the Venus project
The day was filmed by a team from ACTE CINÉMA

Program (Presentations below are only in French)
Animation of the day by Mme Anne CHEVREL, Journalist, RennesWelcome - Céline FAURIE GAUTHIER, Conseillère municipale déléguée : Hôpitaux - Prévention - Santé
Event context - Béatrice RAYET, LabEx PRIMES
Session - Innovative practices in prevention
Predisposition or Predestination: The Use of Genetic Variants for Personalized Medicine
David COX, Chercheur au Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon
Organs in motion - 4D issue in Radio / Hadrontherapy
Behzad SHARIAT, Chercheur au Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information et Professeur à l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Session - Targeted and innovative therapies
Current research pathways in oncology - from research to the clinic: example of a project developed at Centre Léon Bérard
Stéphane DEPIL, Chercheur au Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon, Oncohématologue au Centre Léon Bérard et CEO de NETRIS PHARMA
Radiosensitizing nanoparticles: dream of yesterday, reality of tomorrow?
Claire RODRIGUEZ-LAFRASSE, Chercheur au Laboratoire de Radiobiologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire, Professeur des Université-Praticien Hospitalier
Session - Accompanying the patient
The patient meets his creativity
Patricia ATTIGUI, Chercheur à l’Université Lyon 2, Psychologue clinicienne et Ecrivain
Retention in employment with or after cancer
Dominique THIRRY, Directrice de l’Association Juris Santé
Networking coktail, exhibition of works from the Venus project
The day was filmed by a team from ACTE CINÉMA
Thanks to our partner's
Photos events
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Exposition Vénus, Apostle Norman et Justine Jugnet - Photographe