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The LabEx PRIMES is included in the overall scheme of the Lyon-Saint-Etienne Initiative for Excellence project (IDEX) supported by the University of Lyon (COMUE).

The governance of the Labex is thus part of a decision-making process associated with IDEX and composed of:
  • a steering committee composed of the leaders of each workpackage and their substitutes
  • a medical board bringing its clinical expertise to the LabEx teams
  • an international scientific board whose mission is to establish the scientific guidelines
  • a strategic committee including the various actors of the academic, economic and social worlds, in charge of guiding, advising and providing expertise on the needs of society
  • the COMUE responsible for the management of the Idex funds and consequently the funds allocated to Labex supported by the UdL.
Within this organization, PRIMES is co-directed by Françoise Peyrin and Denis Dauvergne.

The coordination of the whole and the setting up of the activities are ensured by Béatrice Rayet and Jean-Baptiste Mourgues