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Science festival

2018 Edition

Les LabEx en Fête! returns, an event organized by the Laboratoires d'Excellence (LabEx) of the University of Lyon CORTEX, DEVweCAN, ECOFECT, LIO and PRIMES
Saturday October 13th on the
village des sciences de l'IUT de Lyon 1 - Free admission.
  • The great game of the scientific goose - Game of the giant goose opposing 2/3 teams of the public who will have to, in order to advance on the game, answer questions on different thematic (Space, Biology, New technologies, Health, ...)
For schoolchildren: Thursday, October 11th from 10am to 4pm, by reservation - Quai 43 campus de la Doua
For the whole public: Saturday October 13rd from 10am to 4pm30 into the village des sciences de l'IUT - free entry
  • My thesis for dummies - Have you not already found yourself face to face with a doctoral student who spoke to you in a very motivated way of his subject of thesis during long minutes, long monologue riddled with more incomprehensible than barbaric terms, at the end of which ... you still do not know what he's working on exactly !!!! My thesis for Dummies, so it is the possibility for all to understand very quickly (in 3 minutes or 180 seconds ... if you prefer ;-)) on what the students of our LabEx work hard for a few years of their lives, in a fun, understandable and fast way. And it is you who judge the doctoral student who has managed best to make you understand his subject!
Saturday October 13rd at 5PM, village des sciences de l'IUT - PUB!

2017 Edition

Visit of the teaching platform in medical imaging (first and final highschool level) around workshops to discover imaging modalities: Optics, US, MRI, X-ray. Two high school classes hosted as part of the school program of the Science Festival and welcome of families on Saturday.

Inter-LabEx action: Les LabEx en Fête! an event organized by the Laboratories of Excellence (LabEx) from the Université de Lyon: CORTEX, DEVweCAN, ECOFECT, LIO and PRIMES
Three actions were held on Saturday October 14 in the village des sciences de l'IUT de Lyon 1 - Free entry.
  • The great game of the scientific goose - Game of the giant goose opposing 2/3 teams of the public who will have to, in order to advance on the game, answer questions on different thematic (Space, Biology, New technologies, Health, ...)

  • - Who has never dreamed of adopting a researcher? But before considering adopting it, we should know what it's working on ..., it was an opportunity for visitors to participate in a great Speed Dating, in order to exchange with different researchers working on various themes. For 5 minutes, they could listen, exchange, discuss, argue with a researcher; then at the end of the time allotted, pass to another researcher!
This space of dialogue was an opportunity to become aware of different scientific topics, to learn, and why not raise with the interlocutors, new ideas

  • My thesis for dummies - Have you not already found yourself face to face with a doctoral student who spoke to you in a very motivated way of his subject of thesis during long minutes, long monologue riddled with more incomprehensible than barbaric terms, at the end of which ... you still do not know what he's working on exactly !!!! My thesis for Dummies, so it is the possibility for all to understand very quickly (in 3 minutes or 180 seconds ... if you prefer ;-)) on what the students of our LabEx work hard for a few years of their lives, in a fun, understandable and fast way. And it is you who judge the doctoral student who has managed best to make you understand his subject!

2016 Edition

Visit of the teaching platform in medical imaging (first and final highschool level) around workshops to discover imaging modalities: Optics, US, MRI, X-ray. Two high school classes hosted as part of the school program of the Science Festival

2015 Edition

Visit of the teaching platform in medical imaging (first and final highschool level) around workshops to discover imaging modalities: Optics, US, MRI, X-ray. Two high school classes hosted as part of the school program of the Science Festival