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WP-2 Emerging Imaging Techniques

Optimizing the early detection of cancers and diseases associated with aging is a major challenge that requires improvements in the sensitivity and specificity of current imaging techniques. Significant progress is expected thanks to the combination of the different existing imaging modalities and the development of new contrast effects associated with sophisticated data processing (WP4 issue).

The current challenges of imaging are to study the morphology and the physiology, to examine solid and soft tissues, to follow static or dynamic mechanisms, to measure the microscopic and macroscopic properties of tissues on
variable time scales.

No imaging technique alone can meet all of these criteria. The future of medical imaging for diagnosis and anatomical exploration depends on the sharing of the characteristics of several imaging modalities pushed to their peak. In this context, several leading-edge teams are developing advanced techniques of imaging or spectroscopy applied to the field of cancer or aging.

PRIMES brings together, within the extended Rhône-Alpes Auvergne region, high level capacities on various techniques. In WP2, new instruments and imaging modalities will be developed through state-of-the-art innovation and high-risk projects focusing on two main tasks: hybrid imaging and innovative imaging techniques based on advanced concepts of multidimensional image acquisition in MR, US, optical and X-ray imaging.

PRIMES thesis on WP2 themes: