Sept - Summer School in Space Radiation Protection

Du 13 septembre 2020 au 29 septembre 2020

Darmstadt, Germany

ESA and FAIR agreed to hold a Summer School in Space Radiation Protection in Darmstadt (Germany). The students have lectures and site visits at ESOC, and experimental activities at GSI. The final test is a beamtime application, and the best ideas get a special award

ESA and FAIR agreed to hold a Summer School in Space Radiation Protection in Darmstadt (Germany). The students have lectures and site visits at ESOC, and experimental activities at GSI. The final test is a beamtime application, and the best ideas get a special award.
The 2nd Summer School will be held on September 13-29, 2020. The school webpage is:
Talented and motivated graduate students (physicists, biologists, engineers etc.) are welcome to apply. All travel and living expenses are covered by the school.
Submission opens on November 30, 2019 and closes on April 15, 2020.
On the webpage you will also find information on the 1st edition of the school (September 15- October 1, 2019).