- WP-1 Méthodes et Instrumentations innovantes en radiothérapies
- WP-2 Techniques innovantes d'imagerie
- WP-3 Radiobiologie et modélisation pour les radiothérapies innovantes
- WP-4 Traitement d'images multidimensionnelles
- WP-5 Simulation et modélisation d'images
- Financement de la recherche
- Publications
- International
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Enseignant-chercheur (ens.sup)
Professeur à l'École Normale Supérieure de Lyon>
Department of Chemistry, UMR 5182, ENS Lyon 46 allée d’Italie, 69346 Lyon Cedex 07,
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Responsible for the teaching programin chemistry (Sciences de la matière: L3 and M1)
Thèmes de recherche
Atomic-scale simulations of biomolecular and supramolecular systems, using methods
of molecular dynamics and quantum chemistry
of molecular dynamics and quantum chemistry
Activités / CV
Education and positions
2017– Full Professor, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
June 2013 D. Sc. in Chemistry (Habilitation à diriger les recherches)
Hybrid simulation of biomolecular environment effects: reactivity, structure and spectroscopy
2008–2017 Maître de Conférences, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
2007–2008 Research and teaching assistant (ATER), Université de Nancy, Laboratoire SRSMC
2006–2007 Postdoctoral fellow, Research School of Chemistry, Canberra, Australian National University
2003–2006 PH.D. in Theoretical Chemistry, University Paris VI
2002–2003 MASTER 2 in Theoretical and Informatics Chemistry, University Paris VI
2000–2003 MAGISTÈRE in Chemistry, École Normale Supérieure Paris
Published in journals such as: JACS (2), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (1), JPCL (4), Chemistry Eur. J. (2), Biochemistry (3), Nucl. Acids Res. (4), PCCP (7). JPCB (7),
JPCA (4), JCTC (3). Total of 67 publications: 1100 citations, h-index: 18, i-10 index: 31, link (google scholar)
Supervision or co-supervision of 5 PhD students, 4 M2 students
Oral presentations : 44 (14 invited)
Sept. 2017– Associate Editor for Scientific Reports
Jan. 2016– Responsible for the teaching programin chemistry (Sciences de la matière, L3 and M1)
2016, sept. 2017– Co-animation of the Theory Axis of ENS Lyon (7 permanent members, 15 non permanent researchers)
2015 Nominatedmember at the "Conseil National des Universités", CNU section 31, college B
Sept. 2015– Vice-president for the ENSL entrance exam, Chemistry part.
2015 Referee for Scientific institution including the ERC, ANR, PRACE (panel member in 2016)
2014– Board member of the "Réseau de Chimie Theorique Francaise"; coordinator for the South-East pole
2014 Guest Editor for a Topics "Radiation-induced and oxidative DNA damages" in Frontiers
2014– Member of 8 PhD defence committees (5 as referee)
2013– Member of recruitment committees (MCF, ATER, AgPr positions)
2013– Member of the ENS entrance committee
2010– Peer reviewer for journals (publons)
2010–2015 Elected member of the lab council
2017– Full Professor, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
June 2013 D. Sc. in Chemistry (Habilitation à diriger les recherches)
Hybrid simulation of biomolecular environment effects: reactivity, structure and spectroscopy
2008–2017 Maître de Conférences, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
2007–2008 Research and teaching assistant (ATER), Université de Nancy, Laboratoire SRSMC
2006–2007 Postdoctoral fellow, Research School of Chemistry, Canberra, Australian National University
2003–2006 PH.D. in Theoretical Chemistry, University Paris VI
2002–2003 MASTER 2 in Theoretical and Informatics Chemistry, University Paris VI
2000–2003 MAGISTÈRE in Chemistry, École Normale Supérieure Paris
Published in journals such as: JACS (2), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (1), JPCL (4), Chemistry Eur. J. (2), Biochemistry (3), Nucl. Acids Res. (4), PCCP (7). JPCB (7),
JPCA (4), JCTC (3). Total of 67 publications: 1100 citations, h-index: 18, i-10 index: 31, link (google scholar)
Supervision or co-supervision of 5 PhD students, 4 M2 students
Oral presentations : 44 (14 invited)
Sept. 2017– Associate Editor for Scientific Reports
Jan. 2016– Responsible for the teaching programin chemistry (Sciences de la matière, L3 and M1)
2016, sept. 2017– Co-animation of the Theory Axis of ENS Lyon (7 permanent members, 15 non permanent researchers)
2015 Nominatedmember at the "Conseil National des Universités", CNU section 31, college B
Sept. 2015– Vice-president for the ENSL entrance exam, Chemistry part.
2015 Referee for Scientific institution including the ERC, ANR, PRACE (panel member in 2016)
2014– Board member of the "Réseau de Chimie Theorique Francaise"; coordinator for the South-East pole
2014 Guest Editor for a Topics "Radiation-induced and oxidative DNA damages" in Frontiers
2014– Member of 8 PhD defence committees (5 as referee)
2013– Member of recruitment committees (MCF, ATER, AgPr positions)
2013– Member of the ENS entrance committee
2010– Peer reviewer for journals (publons)
2010–2015 Elected member of the lab council
Professeur ENS