- WP-1 Méthodes et Instrumentations innovantes en radiothérapies
- WP-2 Techniques innovantes d'imagerie
- WP-3 Radiobiologie et modélisation pour les radiothérapies innovantes
- WP-4 Traitement d'images multidimensionnelles
- WP-5 Simulation et modélisation d'images
- Financement de la recherche
- Publications
- International
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Assemblées Générales de Primes
Jeudi 19 ctobre 2019-CS
10h00 - 10h20 Introduction
F Peyrin, D Dauvergne
10h20 – 11h05 WP5. Image-based Simulation and Modeling
D Sarrut, WP update and perspectives
Y Ali, PhD IP2I/ LPC, Monte carlo simulation of microdosimetry, nanodosimetry and radiolytic species production for clinical proton beams therapy
L Riglet, Master LBMC, Ex vivo experiments on femurs to assess metastatic bone strength
11h05 – 11h20 WP. Training
B Montcel, T Grenier, WP update and perspectives11h20 – 12h05 WP4. Multidimensional Image Processing
P Clarysse, WP update and perspectives
Y Sun, PhD CREATIS-2, 2D echo-cardiographic simulation for deep-learning
S Salles, Post-doctorant CREATIS-3, 3D high frame rate imaging using motion compensation strategy
12h05 – 12h50 WP1 : Innovative Methods and Instruments in Radiotherapy
JM Létang, F Martin, WP update and perspectives
N Rosuel, PhD LPSC, Synchrotron radiation therapy monitoring with diamond detectors
A Etxebeste, Post-doctorante CREATIS-4, IP2I, A Gate module for Compton Camera imaging simulations
14h15 – 15h00 WP3. Radiobiology and modeling for innovative radiotherapy
C Rodriguez-Lafrasse, M Beuve, WP update and perspectives
D Vernos, PhD IP2I-LRCM, ILM, Novel generation of ultrasmall high Z tailored nanoparticles for tumor cell radiosensitization - confidential
A Youssef, Doctorante au CEA-CIBEST, STROBE, Radioluminescence-induced photodynamic therapy: towards overcoming the low penetration depth of light in tissue
15h00 – 15h45 WP2. Emerging Imaging Techniques
H Ratiney, WP update and perspectives
A Nemeth, Post-doc CREATIS-5, Noninvasive multiparametric MRI protocol for breast cancer stratification
JF Adam, STROBE team, INVENT: Investigating the effect of nasal high flow O2 therapy on lung volume and regional lung function - confidential
15h45 – 16h00 WP. Valorization
C Oudin, B Rayet, Update and perspectives
S Valette, CREATIS, EduAnat-2 software demonstration
16h00 – 16h15 Conclusion/Discussion
Mardi 23 ctobre 2018
9h30 – 9h45 Introduction – renouvellement du LabEx
F Peyrin, D Dauvergne
9h45 – 10h30 Conférence invitée – Serge Mordon, Onco-Thai, Lille
Traitement du glioblastome par thérapie photodynamique peropératoire
10h30 – 11h25 WP3. Radiobiology and modeling for innovative radiotherapy
C Rodriguez-Lafrasse, M Beuve, WP update and perspectives
CH Chan, PhD Laboratoire de Chimie - ENS, Theoretical Study of Hydrated Gold Nanoparticles for Radiotherapy Applications
R Ladjohounlou, Post-doctorant IPNL, Gd-nanoparticules non ciblantes (AGuIX) / ciblantes (AQ-NP)
C Figliola, Post-doctorante Laboratoire de Chimie - ENS, CEA-CIBEST, RSRM, Nanoscintillators-induced photodynamic therapy: towards overcoming the low penetration depth of light in tissue
11h25 – 11h40 WP. Training
B Montcel, T Grenier, WP update and perspectives
11h40 – 12h30 WP2. Emerging Imaging Techniques
H Ratiney, WP update and perspectives
M Bigot, PhD CREATIS-5 et CRNL, Caractérisation d'agrégats fibrillaires par élastographie IRM
P Leclerc, Post-Doctorant ILM et CREATIS-5, Interventional linear and non linear imaging for glioma resection
13h50 – 14h45 WP5. Image-based Simulation and Modeling
D Sarrut, WP update and perspectives
B Delpuech, PhD LBMC, Modèle numérique de la résistance mécanique d’un os avec métastase
O Pivot, PhD CREATIS-4 et CEA-LETI, Correction du rayonnement diffusé en imagerie spectrale tomographique
R Gauthier, Post-Doctorant LBMC et CREATIS-4, Analyse tri-dimensionnelle du réseau ostéonale dans l'os cortical humain
14h45 – 15h30 WP1 : Innovative Methods and Instruments in Radiotherapy
JM Létang, WP update and perspectives
A Bongrand, PhD LPC Clermont, Etude des performances en faisceau clinique d’un détecteur pour le contrôle balistique en hadronthérapie, et études des perspectives d’évolution vers un système multimodal
A Etxebeste, Post-doctorante CREATIS-4 et IPNL, A Gate module for Compton Camera simulations
15h30 – 15h40 Présentation nouvelle équipe: INL – Patrick Pittet
15h40 – 15h50 Présentation nouvelle équipe: ProMD – Isabelle Testard
15h50 – 16h00 Présentation nouvelle équipe: Caviti – Pascal Chabrot
16h00 – 16h10 Présentation restructuration équipes CEA-LETI – Pierre Grangeat
16h10 – 17h05 WP4. Multidimensional Image Processing
P Clarysse, WP update and perspectives
T Hohweiller, PhD CREATIS-4, Reconstruction non linéaire pour l'imagerie X Spectrale
M Sdika pour N Hatami, Post-doctorant CREATIS-2, MR Spectroscopy using Deep Learning
K Faraz, Post-doctorant CREATIS-2, Estimation robuste du mouvement du muscle myocardique en imagerie échocardiographique par deep learning
17h05 – 17h20 Conclusion/Discussion
F Peyrin, D DauvergneLundi 9 octobre 2017-CS
10h00 – 10h15 Introduction
F Peyrin, D Dauvergne
10h15 – 11h00 WP4. Multidimensional Image Processing
P Clarysse, D Friboulet, Update and perspectives
S Leclerc, PhD CREATIS-2, Automatic multiclass segmentation in cardiac imaging using supervised learning
M Gasse, Post-doctorant CREATIS-2, High-Quality Plane Wave Compounding using Convolutional Neural Networks
11h00 – 11h40 WP5. Image-based Simulation and Modeling
L Maigne, Update and perspectives
A Chai, PhD CREATIS-2, Optimizing the Utilization of a Large Distributed Computing System by Realistic Simulation
11h40 – 12h20 WP3. Radiobiology and modeling for innovative radiotherapy
C Rodriguez-Lafrasse, M Beuve, Update and perspectives
F Poignant, PhD IPNL, Biophysical modelling of high-Z nanoparticles (NP) radiosensitizing effect
12h20 – 12h35 WP. Valorization
C Oudin, B Rayet, Update and perspectives
14h15 – 14h45 WP. Training
B Montcel, Update and perspectives
14h45 – 15h30 WP2. Emerging Imaging Techniques
O Beuf, H Ratiney, Update and perspectives
C Daviller, PhD CREATIS-5, Methodological developments and reconstruction pipeline for absolute MR myocardial blood flow quantification
E Van Reeth, Post-Doctorant CREATIS-5, Optimizing MRI RF Excitation Pulses: A Practical Application of Optimal Control Theory
16h00 – 16h40 WP1 : Innovative Methods and Instruments in Radiotherapy
JM Létang, Update and perspectives
M Fontana, PhD IPNL, Gamma camera development for ion beam therapy monitoring and nuclear medicine applications
16h40 – 17h00 Conclusion, MEDEVICE EUR project, potential LabEx PRIMES renewal
F Peyrin, D Dauvergne,
17h00 – 17h45 Meeting of the CS (closed session)
Jeudi 6 octobre 2016
10h00 – 10h15 Introduction
F Peyrin, D Dauvergne,
10h15 – 11h00 WP1 : Méthodes et Instrumentations innovantes en radiothérapie
G Montarou, Bilan et perspectives
F Martin, (résumé thèse A Rozes, LPC-PPSE), Etude des performances d’un détecteur pour le contrôle balistique en hadronthérapie
11h00 – 12h00 WP3. Radiobiologie et modélisation pour les radiothérapies innovantes
C Rodriguez-Lafrasse, M Beuve, Bilan et perspectives
S Simonet, PhD LRCM, The use of gadolinium-based nanoparticles to improve radiation therapy in HNSCC
JL Ravanat, Photoactivation de nanoparticules de fer vectorisées par les macrophages associés à la tumeur dans le traitement des gliomes
M Testa, post-doctorant IPNL, Cells-coated Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detectors (FNTDs) to investigate the correlation between ion tracks and different biological end-points in particle therapy
12h00 – 12h45 WP2. Emerging Imaging Techniques
O Beuf, H Ratiney, Bilan et perspectives
H Dorez, PhD CREATIS-5, Multimodal protocol combining endoluminal MRI and optics to assess colorectal abnormalities
14h15 – 15h15 WP5. Image-based Simulation and Modeling
D Sarrut, C Perez, Bilan et perspectives
Y Touileb, PhD LIRIS-SAARA, 4D tetrahedral model for Monte Carlo dose calculations
K Golec- Szlawska, PhD LIRIS-M2DISCO, Generic topological and physical model for soft tissue simulation
F Smekens, Post-doctorant LPC-PPSE, Microdosimetry applications using GATE
15h15 – 16h00 WP4. Traitement Multidimensionnel de l’Image
P Clarysse, D Friboulet, Bilan et perspectives
D Bujoreanu, PhD CREATIS-2/3, Echographie compressée : une nouvelle stratégie d'acquisition et de formation pour une imagerie ultra-rapide
16h15 – 16h45 WP Training
D Rousseau (vidéo), Bilan et perspectives
O Pivot, Décomposition dans une base de matériau en imagerie X bi-énergie via l'imageur spectral Timepix
16h45 – 17h00 WP Valorization
C Oudin, B Rayet, Bilan et perspectives
17h00 – 17h15 Conclusion
F Peyrin, D DauvergneLundi 12 octobre 2015-CS
10h00 – 10h15 Introduction
F Peyrin, D Dauvergne
10h15 – 11h00 WP3. Radiobiology and modeling for innovative radiotherapy
C Rodriguez-Lafrasse, M Beuve, Update and perspectives
S Kotb, PhD ILM-FENNEC, Nanoparticle Enhanced MRI-Guided Radiation Therapy: Final proof of concept before phase I trial
11h00 – 11h45 WP4. Multidimensional Image Processing
P Clarysse, D Friboulet, Update and perspectives
M Giacalone, PhD CREATIS-6, Image processing and simulation of perfusion MRI images -- An application to the study of ischemic stroke
11h45 – 12h00 WP Valorization
C Oudin, B Rayet, Update and perspectives
12h00 – 12h30 WP Training
C Ray, D Rousseau, Update and perspectives
14h00 – 14h45 WP2. Emerging Imaging Techniques
O Beuf, H Ratiney, Update and perspectives
L Alston, PhD CREATIS-5, Intraoperative optical imaging: a tool for guided neuro-surgery of gliomas
14h45 – 15h30 WP1. Innovative Methods and Instruments in Radiotherapy
G Montarou, JM Létang, Update and perspectives
R Fabbro (PhD LPSC), Linac head Monte Carlo simulation for detector dose calibration
16h00 – 16h45 WP5. Image-based Simulation and Modeling
B Shariat, Update and perspectives
S Pop, VIP: the Virtual Imaging Platform
B Huisman, PhD CREATIS-4/ IPNL, Fast MC simulation of emitted PG during proton treatment
16h45 – 17h00 Conclusion
F Peyrin, D Dauvergne
17h30 Visit of the Instrumentation Platform (INSA - GE department)